Pb, Zn, Ag, Ba Deposit
Zone 20
5006204 |
418116 |
The past producing Walton Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag-Ba Deposit is located
approximately 4 km southwest of the village of Walton, Hants
County. The abandoned workings can be accessed by a secondary
road leading off the main highway that leads from Walton to
#H01-008 |
The principal metallic minerals within the orebody are
galena, sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, malachite, auzurite,
chalcocite, marcasite, tennantite, prousite, pearceite and acanthite.
Pyrite and marcasite are closely associated and occur as dull,
metallic, brass-yellow, fine grained intergrowths of a colloform
or concretionary texture. the galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite
and other sulphides are closely associated with the pyrite and
marcasite and, in most cases, are intergrown with them. Stalactitic
and botryoidal masses of pyrite and marcasite fill late fractures
in the sulphide body. Galena occurs as fine grained masses,
in brecciated pods, fracture- and seam-fillings and as fine
disseminations. Sphalerite is light to dark brown and is almost
always intergrown with galena. Chalcopyrite occurs as pure blebs,
masses, stringers and irregular patches. Tennanite is lead grey
and commonly intergrown with chalcopyrite, also occurring as
irregular masses and small discontinuous seams. The high silver-bearing
sulphosalts prousite and pearceite occur as disseminated grains
and small masses within vugs and crushed breccia zones. Malachite
and auzurite are rare and usually occur as coatings on other
sulphide minerals.
sphalerite, malachite,
azurite, galena,
chalcopyrite, barite,
pyrite, marcasite,
proustite, pearceite |