Nova Scotia Minerals: Silverspacer

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Elemental silver

West Gore Sb, Au Deposit
Zone 20
 Northing 4992010 / 4992270 / 4992260 / 4992520 / 4992510
 Easting 437320 / 437920 / 437750 / 437090 / 437900

 Sulphide in the main ore vein occurs in lenses 15.24 to 18.29 m in diameter and 15.24 to 60.96 cm thick. Up until 1905 the ore was hand-cobbed at the mine giving high grade ore running 40% Sb. The ore was shipped to England. The low grade ore containing good Au values comprised 90% of the total output of the mine. It is reported that much of this material was left on the scaffolds or as backfill in the mine. The ore is composed primarily of stibnite with some native antimony, native gold, arsenopyrite, pyrite, and minor silver. The stibnite, where weathered, has oxidized to orange kermesite and white valentinite. The pyrite and arsenopyrite occur as small crystals shot through the slaty filling. In places, the pyrite carries considerable native gold. The slaty filling is reported to assay 0.15 oz/ton Au (Haley). The Au is also reported to show an affinity for carbonate.

 NSMOD #E04-001
Further Info:
 see the ns mineral database
Other Minerals:
 stibnite, native antimony, native gold, arsenopyrite, pyrite, kermesite valentinite

Zone 20
 Northing 0000000
 Easting 000000
Further Info:
Other Minerals:
 Add'l Mineralization


 Cleavage: absent

 Colour: silver white with exposed specimens tarnishing black

 Fracture: jagged

 Hardness: 2.5-3

 Luster: metallic

 Streak: silver white

 Possible Useage: minor ore of silver

 More Info: Mineral Gallery, Mineralogy Database
