Nova Scotia Minerals: Sillimanitespacer

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Al2 SiO5
Aluminum Silicate

M.e.x. Uranium Showing, Hants County
Zone 20
 Northing 4964040
 Easting 425770

 The prospect is located in 2, side-by-side gravel pits found along a lumber road, approximately 500 m north of Christie Lake. Christie Lake is approximately 30 km northeast of Halifax and is immediately west of Big Indian Lake.

 NSMOD #D13-026
Further Info:

 The type and style of mineralization is similar to that at the Millet Brook Uranium Deposit, Hants County, Nova Scotia.
Finely disseminated U-bearing phosphates (torbernite and autunite), chalcopyrite and pyrite are associated with an extensively hematized northeast-trending, shear zone. The uraniferous zone extends for approximately 100 m along the shear.
Rock types exposed in the gravel pit encompass all phases of the Big Indian Polyphase Intrusive Suite. The wall rocks exhibit intense hydrothermal alteration, including high-alumina hydrothermal alteration as reflected by the presence of andalusite, cordierite, sillimanite, spinel, garnet, muscovite, biotite and tourmaline.

Other Minerals:
 autunite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, torbernite, andalusite


Zone 20
 Northing 0000000
 Easting 000000
Further Info:
Other Minerals:
 Add'l Mineralization


 Cleavage: good in one direction lengthwise

 Colour: white, brown and green

 Fracture: splintery

 Hardness: 7.5 in large crystals but more fiberous forms are softer

 Luster: silky when fiberous or vitreous otherwise

 Streak: white

 Possible Useage: spark plugs etc, rarely as a gemstone or mineral specimen

 More Info: Mineral Gallery, Mineralogy Database
