Nova Scotia Minerals: Zeolitespacer

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Kirk Brook Zeolite, Kings County
Zone 20
 Northing 4994449 / 4994170
 Easting 344755 / 344275

Drive via Highway #101 to Exit 16 to the town of Aylesford, Kings County. At the end of the off-ramp, turn and drive north for 2 km to the intersection with Highway #221 at Dempseys Corner. Turn left and drive west on Highway #221 for 3 km and the intersection with the road to the village of Morden. Turn right and drive north on the Morden Road to the village of Morden on the Bay of Fundy shore, 8.17 km away. At Morden, turn left and follow the road along the shore for 2.76 km to where it meets the mouth of Kirk Brook on the shore. At first the road is paved but becomes a gravel surface road about half way to Kirk Brook. Park in the small parking area at the mouth of Kirk Brook and walk west along the shoreline. You will immediately encounter a 3-10 m thick zeolite mineralized zone in amygdaloidal basalt in the basalt cliff.  

 NSMOD #H02-013
Further Info:

 The basalt cliff west of the mouth of Kirk Brook exposes a layer of amygdaloidal basalt in which zeolite minerals fill the amygdules. Vertical veins of zeolite and jasper also occur. The zone varies between 3-10 m thick and is easily seen along the shore for a distance of at least 1.5 km. For the most part, there is a thick flow of massive basalt above the zeolite layer. The cliff averages 20 m high, and the zeolite layer undulates quite markedly. On some sections of the beach the layer is high on the cliff while in others it is at beach level. Mostly, the layer is shallow dipping toward the bay (northwest), but in some parts of the section, it dips shallowly inland (southeast). The zeolite assemblage recognized as being dominated by heulandite, stilbite and lesser natrolite in the 1997 field check.

Other Minerals:
  mordenite, heulandite, stilbite, analcime


Zone 20
 Northing 0000000
 Easting 000000
Further Info:
Other Minerals:
 Add'l Mineralization








 Possible Useage:

 More Info: Mineral Gallery
